-- Lightstorm --
released 1973

Found on:

Night Vision (1973)


Known comments by Bruce Cockburn about this song, by date:

  • Spring 1993

    James Jensen: That album [Night Vision] also contained a very traditional ragtime sounding piece "The Blues Got The World ...." but "Deja Vu" and "Lightstorm" ....

    BC: That was the Jazz coming back, I was never disciplined enough to be a Jazz player but I listened to an awful lot of it and I played a lot of it in a certain way so that was bound to show up sooner or later too. That's partly responsible for the modal kind of approach to chord structure and all that which was characteristic of the Jazz that I liked in the sixties like Coltrane. The Jazz players of that era were getting influenced by music of other cultures, Indian and Arabic music and so was I.
    -- from an Interview by James Jensen at Sunset Sound, Los Angeles, circa Spring 1993.

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    This page is part of The Cockburn Project, a unique website that exists to document the work of Canadian singer-songwriter and musician Bruce Cockburn. The Project archives self-commentary by Cockburn on his songs and music, and supplements this core part of the website with news, tour dates, and other current information.