This page archives comments by Bruce Cockburn on studio recording and production.
-- from "Bruce Cockburn Interview, Old Waldorf, San Francisco," transcribed by Charles Wolff, from a tape of an interview with Bruce Cockburn on November 2, 1981 at The Old Waldorf, San Francisco, CA.
-- from "Bruce Cockburn: The Soul of a Man," by Michael Case, Umbrella Magazine, circa 1991.
-- from "Bruce Cockburn: The Soul of a Man," by Michael Case, Umbrella Magazine, circa 1991.
Johnny Walker: One thing that T-Bone seems to have done is suggesting people who would work on the album, and for a change you made it in Los Angeles rather than
Canada, and Booker T Jones plays organ on it, of Booker T and the MG's fame.
BC: Yes, we had a great cast on this record, which is largely T-Bone's doing.
He came up with this list and, as it turned out, they were all available,
which was a bit of a miracle in itself. We had Jim Keltner on drums, Booker
T. I mean, for the average person that doesn't read their liner notes, Booker
T'll stand out from the rest. We had Jackson Browne, who also played guitar
on a song called Indian Wars (sort of a rhythm guitar part) and sang on it, and sang on a couple of other things. Sam Phillips also sang some stuff and generally we had a wonderful time.
JW: You obviously wanted a change of sound, then, by recording in LA. Were
you not worried, though, that it might end up a bit too polished, a bit too
BC: No, I wasn't worried about that. If it had seemed like it was going to go
that way we wouldn't have pursued that direction at all. What I really wanted
was to do it anywhere but Toronto, because for the last twenty years I've
been recording in Toronto and I needed a change.
-- Radio Interview, BBC Radio 1, 1992, Interviewer Johnny Walker. Transcribed and submitted to the project by David Newton.
-- from "Bruce Cockburn- A Burning Light and All the Rest", Goldmine, by William Ruhlmann, April 3, 1992.
-- from an Interview by James Jensen at Sunset Sound, Los Angeles, Circa Spring 1993.
-- from "Straight to the Heart, Bruce Cockburn's songs of subversion", by David Batstone, Sojourners Magazine, September-October 1994.
-- from !Music Circa 1997.
-- from !Music Circa 1997.
-- from !Music, circa 1997.
-- from "Cockburn sticks to causes for The Charity of Night, by Jon Matsumoto, CNN Interactive, August 25, 1997.
-- from "Staying POWER" Story by Kerry Doole, Word and Music, September, 1999.
- from "Bruce Cockburn Interview", Guitarist Magazine, November 1999, by Steve Lawson.
-- from "Sun Shines on Cockburn's Breakfast", Vancouver Courier, February 9, 2000, by Jennifer Van Evra. Submitted by Audrey Pearson.
-- from Canoe Online Chat with Bruce Cockburn, 15 January 2002. Submitted by Suzanne D. Myers.